Pippin At(black)mark(et)

OK, so it might be slightly old news by now, but some dude has ripped the decrepit G3 processor, shite memory and 'daughter card' (or something equally alien to us normal*, PC using people) out of an old iMac - and replaced them with the innards of a 200MHz, Windows CE-powered, NAOMI-based behemoth. Kinda like sucking Barry Chuckle's guts out through his mouth and squirting Brett 'The Hitman' Hart's vital organs up his ass to fill the void. Pictures? Why, yes:

An iMac. And a Dreamcast. In same body. Just think what Brundle could've achieved if only that pesky fly hadn't got into his teleportation pod...

Pippin Atmark? Possibly - but I digress.

Speaking of bizarre shit, how would a NES look if it was dressed up like a moderately successful early nineties console and sold in flea markets in Peru?

Erm, like this:

* By 'normal,' I mean people who can't afford to buy a crate of branded lager, let alone an Apple Macbook. Fucking Ikea catalogue-reading, scatter cushion owning CUNTS. Cough.


Anonymous said...

Mac bashing is so 5 years ago . . .

Barry the Nomad said...

I'm a PC and I have PMS.

Tom Charnock said...

Mac bashing? Hardly! I'd kill for a Mac...but sadly I'll never be able to afford one. Sniff.

Caleb said...

Nice job matching the controller with the iMac.


So a Dreamcast rip-off with N64 controller rip-off and a guncon rip-off? Not so nice.

Video game day was sort of a hit. A lot of people played the Dreamcast.

NebachadnezzaR said...

Awesome work. Kind of looks like the Divers 2000, doesn't it?

Benjamin Murbach said...

Pretty neat....actually really neat. Dah I keep delaying my youtube dreamcast collection vids. oh well like wine dreamcast articles get better the older you get.

Caleb said...

AW SHIT, I just remembered that I made a comment like a year and a half ago that I could make a Divers edition Dreamcast if I had a VGA adaptor and an old imac.

Someone beat me to it...