Recently, you may have seen a couple of fantastic articles focussing on the fate of some of the Dreamcast's internal organs. If not, be sure to check them out:
Guest Article: Forensic Examination Of The Dreamcast Corpse - File 1 of 2
Guest Article: Forensic Examination Of The Dreamcast Corpse - File 2 of 2
Those two pieces were written by Doc Eggfan of Sonic Retro, and were pretty darn good. So good in fact, that we decided to promote the good Doc from guest author to full staff member here at the 'Yard. Hailing from the fine nation of Australia, Doc Eggfan is a repository of knowledge when it comes to arcade hardware - both Sega or otherwise - and also owns what is claimed to be the largest collection of Dreamcast games in the southern hemisphere, boasting over 500 titles. So, it is with great pleasure that we welcome Doc Eggfan to the DCJY team and trust you'll be looking forward to reading more about the oft-ignored aspects of Dreamcast collecting.
Thanks for this marvelous opportunity guys. I hope to do you proud.
Also, that claim of the largest in the southern hemisphere has not been independently verified, it's just me assuming that no-one else this side of the equator is as mad as me, but happy to be proven wrong, so get in touch if you want to challenge for the title.
You heard him southern hemisphere us whatchya got!
Great couple of articles!
Well done mate, they were great articles. Well deserved.
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