It's not all about days off work and chocolate you know. Sheesh - people, Easter is about keeping the faith and remembering what Jesus did for us all. Yes - even YOU.
And to celebrate, I've erected a 1:1 scale recreation of Christ's crucifix in the back yard and will shortly be nailing myself to it in celebration of His life, death and resurrection. As an added twist, I've installed a sort of harness (through a complex system of ropes and pullies) to house my Dreamcast and a TV, and will force myself to play through Army Men: Sarge's Heores. Furthermore, I will blast Good Charlotte's Chronicles of Life and Death on infinate repeat on the stereo to accompany this spectacle. That's both offensive and humourous on so many levels, but I fear my Hubris will get the better of me. We shall see...
If you're still reading (and have not alerted the Vatican secret police), you may also have noticed that I have added this particularly eye scrambling background to the text to compliment that epilepsy inducing site background. Hope it's not too offensive on the old retinas.
Must run along though, there's a faint waft of inscence in the air and a shadow on the stairs...
I'm here on the advice of my agent. Christianity? No! Scientology, guys - it's the only way. Any of you guys sickeningly wealthy? No? Oh, sorry. Back to Christianity then, peasants.
Gald to make your aquaintance Mr Cruise. Personally, I am indifferent to all forms of religion - buy hey, if it gets me a) presents; or b) days off, who am I to argue?!
Hey, Congratulations! A whole new world of super cheap, awesome looking games awaits you! As for that Jet Set Radio disk, it looks like you probably got a free game - Sonic Adventure never had a demo bundled with it. I'd definatley get that Code Veronica exchanged though - it's a top game. However, if you have the choice, change Chronilce for something else - it stinks.
Hmmm, recommendations...well, don't buy any football games because, as I've stated on the yard in the past - theyre all crap. But here's a few games I think you should look out for: Dead or Alive 2, 4 Whell Thunder, Hydro Thunder, Shenumue, Quake3, Daytona, Virtua Tennis, Crazy Taxi, HeadHunter, Skies of Arcadia (I'm told it's awesome), Red Dog, Tony Hawk 2, House of the Dead, Outtrigger. There's probably more, but my brain is melting! And a VM is essential.
I like the new backgrounds and Sonic pic. For a more detailed message, view the one I posted in the post below this one...
If I crusify a Jesus, can I have a cheap (or at least not ridiculously expensive) Dreamcast too?
if your still there (crucified) on Sunday can I have you Easter eggs?
No worries... I believe we're orthodox or something here... jesus dies a week later...
You know, I only just now noticed the photshopped swirl in that image. SUBLIMINOOL.
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