Yeah...the joke's on you...*sniff*
But enough of this ridiculous bullshit (see above). You see, my bedroom is quickly becoming a sort of archive of Dreamcast related stuff. I can't even sleep in my bed because one of the lightguns has shacked up with the keyboard in it. Now I sleep under the desk while those two dirty bastards make weird noises and giggle...filthy bastards. But I digress so I'll start again. You see, because I have so many games (56, no less), I find I never have the time to play any of them to any great extent before another one clamours for my attention.
Not so with Virtua Tennis 2.

For this game I would happily climb to the summit of Mount Olympus, olive wreath in hand; toga across my broad metallic shoulders, and wrestle with Zeus the Cloud Gatherer (pictured) in an awesome battle to control time itself - just to create longer periods of 'spare' time in which to play one more match of Virtua Tennis 2.
You see, everything about VT2 is sublime. The animation is freaking amazing! you know in some games where the characters carry out their pre-defined animation and then it sort of stops and then defaults to just standing there? WELL THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN IN VIRTUA TENNIS 2!! Even better, you know how female tennis players let out that orgasmic scream when they hit a particularly hard volley and you just want them to SHUT THE FUCK UP?!?!?! Well, my fine bespectacled chums - that happens too. Quality. And you know how Tim Henman is fucking shit at tennis in real life? Well, yeah - you guessed it.
A bit of advice for Tim just in case he's reading: Tim, you posh twat - fuck off and stop getting the hopes of the nation up every single year at Wimbledon before ruthlessly dashing them and promising to come back next year and win. It aint gonna happen: You can't even win in Virtua Tennis 2, how you gonna win in real friggin' life?!?! Harsh, yes - but Galactic Empire defeatingly fair.
Anyway, I'm just off to make love to...er...'play' Virtua Tennis 2. Just a final thought...wonder what the kids would look like if that lightgun gets the keyboard pregnant...?

Just a final, final thought: look at these two different boxes for the PAL version of VT2 (above). The one on the left is the UK version, whilst the one on the right is...well from where? Spot the difference? The Williams sisters have been airbrushed out - bizarre only because they feature on every other box I can find be it PAL or NTSC (see further below).

My best guess would be that maybe that different varient that lacks the willams sisters could be the Austrilan version, seeing as they also used the PAL format. That or it's a earier mock up before the release. Who knows..
While most of my games are in near-mint or excellent condition on my other consoles, my DC games are mostly in iffy-shape (I bought my DC two years ago and all I can find in stores are everyone's crappyed up used games at this rate). However, I found a shiny, brand new copy of Tennis 2K2 at the local store one day for $4.99!
For some reason it seems like everyone treats their DC stuff roughly around here compared to the other consoles. You can find mint used games on various other consoles yet 99% of the DC games come scratched and with no boxes or instructions - weird!
Yesss....royghly... The way Tom plays (with) Virtua Tennis 2...
ooops...roughly I meant.
Ross - I know what you mean, due to the appalling design of the PAL boxes, the little plastic hinges on the front section are always snapped off so you have to use the back section; and the little cd holding things that go through the centre of the disc are always snapped so the GD rattles around in the box. Just do what I do: if there's a game you want but the box is fucked, swap the inlyas around with a game that has a decent box! viola - no ore crappy boxes! just don't get caught.
Its not only that though - they usually NEVER come with boxes or instructions! I like my games complete too - the rest of my systems games are all complete, my sadly most of my DC games are disc only :-(
Great find with virtua tennis 2 I own the first one and its easily one of my favourite games especially on 2 player mode against my mates :) .
Good joke with the hardware offspring mayeb you get a microphone to play on alien front online or that fish game seamen .
I got another solution for broken cases is to either buy brand new chu chu rockets from ebay for 1 p or buy empty cases on ebay like I did a couple of times :D.
Those boxes of virtua tennis 2 are great , I only seen the original one but the rest look good too!
Keep it up it all just keeps getting better.
It will take more than fairness to defeat my empire, young Jedi...
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