Here are some shots of Tomb Raider 3, Driver 2 and Metal Gear Solid for your perusal. Apologies for the quality - as I've mentioned before, my camera only cost £40 and you really do get what you pay for when it comes to photographic equipment.
Back to Bleem! though - it even runs back up copies of PS games too, although naturally some work better than others. Tomb Raider 3, for

The joypad is mapped pretty well to the Dreamcast one - X is A, Triangle is Y etc but due to there only being one trigger on the tops of the DC pad,

The actual Bleem! interface is pretty non existent - when you put the disk in and it loads up, all you get is a flashing Bleem! splash screen. You then open the drive, pop your PS game in and it loads up. Simple but effective.

Even though there are a few graphical glitches with the games I have been able to test thus far, it is pretty cool to witness a Dreamcast displaying games for a totally different rival machine. The graphics on the whole are much shaper and pixellation is erradicated, but I don't see this as anything other than a novelty - who the hell wants to play Driver 2 when you can play Crazy Taxi 2?!
But if you'd like to download of a copy and try it out for yourself, click here
Legal Notice:
The Dreamcast Junkyard doesn't know how legal/illegal any of this shit actually is, so if you end up behind bars just because you love the Dreamcast - respect Brother (or Sister).
As much as I doubt Sony likes it (hell, they were the ones that stopped it from getting a proper release to start with) I doubt this is illegal if the games are the proper copies and not pirates.
I need to try this at some point, as soon as I find a mate with some games or get some dirt cheap ones.
Gagaman you could be right you know...
And tomleece, thanks for the link (again)
Just curious, but how did you burn this? Just slap it in Alcohol 120% and burn it with no tinkering?
itd probably be easier to just get it off limewire!
Whoa thats mind blowing stuff actually so every ps game eh ?
I would pay to be able to play final fantasy 8 because thats my favourite and problably only ps game I ever really got into ! If it works with it I might give this emulator of yours a try ;)
On the subject of Bleemcast, here's a good site that features some screenshots of games that have been tested to work for it, and other random facts: http://www.whipassgaming.com/genesisreviews/bleemcast.html
Thanks for the link Gagaman, I checked it out and it was very helpful. I bought a copy of GT2 on ebay yesterday and am awaiting it's delivery. Apparently it's perfect - I'll post the verdict when I can play it.
Still trying to get my shrinking brain cells around the fact you can play psx games on the dreamcast. I think i'll lie down for a while
I have GT2 now, it runs very almost perfect on beta, although the actually released disc for it lets you save too.
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