Just thought some of you would be interested in this...

Yes, The Dreamcast Junkyard has managed to 'aquire' a copy of Bleem! For Dreamcast. Not just the plain old
Bleemcast! for Gran Turismo 2 bullshit either...It's actually proper Bleem! as it was intended. In theory it will play any PlayStation game on my Dreamcast, but for the time being I can't actually do anything with it simply because I don't have any PSX games! I'll certainly buy something cheap this week though to test it. If it works, you'll be the first to know.
The Dreamcast Junkyard: at the cutting edge!
Haha, you have no PSX games and I have 79 of them!
PSX has alot of quality software for it. You have alot of playing to do!
PS has like 5 quality games.
Was there any PSX pr0n?
Oh, any links to a dreamcast bleem site or whatever?
Five quality PSX games, eh?
Castlevania Symonthy of the Night
Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
Chrono Cross
Dragon Warrior VII
Ape Escape
Grid Runner
Street Fighter series
Megaman Legends 2
Motor Toon Grand Prix
Metal Gear Solid
Final Fantasy Series
Parappa the Rapper
Crash Bandicoot series
Sim Theme Park
Soul Blade
Tekken 3
Tobal No.1
Strider 2
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
Spin Jam
etc... and theres tons more.
And for all those porn-loving Gnomes out there, there were no pr0n games for the PSX in the U.S., but in Japan there were some extremely odd ones dealing with... uh maybe I shoulden't even go there.
see post above for a link to download. Not sure if it works though - got mine off limewire.
This'll be the leaked beta you found. Some games work for it, but most are either buggy or just don't work in the slightest. Mind you, haven't tried it for myself (don't own any PSX games either) so wouldn't know, I'm just going by mouth (and a compatability list I found once).
Great! Oh, ross, not all gnomes are pr0n loving you know. Some prefer porn....
I just nabbed a bunch of PSX games at a bootsale this morning for £2.50 the lot (Cool Borders 2, GT2, Metal Gear Solid, Grandia, and Crash Team Racing). Time to try this baby out!
Gagaman is officially King of the Bootsale! Are you really David Dickenson under an assumed name?!
GT2 worked like a charm (as expected), Crash Team racing started up with he intro which looked superb then...of all things..crashed, Grandia didn't load at all, Cool Borders 2 was playable but lacked sound and had buggered up textures, and Metal Gear Solid only let me run the menus at the start.
Time Crisis, Driver 2 and Cool Borders 1 all were playable! Time Crisis in particular works perfectly.
excellent...can you use the gun?!?! please say you can! I'll be buying it asap if you can...
Unfortunely no. I had a go, but it didn't take notice of it =/
Have Bleem for Tekken 3 and have had a bt of a revival for this great game with my sons who used to battle with me when they were mere babes. Only of course I could beat them back then and now they ritually kick my arse... And as mentioned by ross let's not forget the excellent Soul Blade without which we may never have had the legend that is Soul Calibur! (or the suspender wearing deadly fudge-packer that is Voldo...)
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